Entrepreneurship Cell, SKSgi

Saturday, 11 February 2012

E-Week 2012: WALKATHON that will steer us towards 'Inventing the Future'

The morning calls a new beginning; new zest, and new aims to conquer. And today on 12th of February we are set with our crew to extend the awareness program that will be propagated from our college campus, BCET, and will extend to a wide scale, hovering over large coverage of masses of Durgapur through our gigantic WALKATHON! The entrepreneurial spirit that we generate in our campus must not be limited to our students only and we propose that it should reach the people in our society too. The buzzing voice of ‘We Can…We Will’, will be raised to the heights of sky soon. Huge participation we are having from our students’ side, and other than that local residents are also following us. The charismatic loud voice will penetrate the minds throughout the city and our objective of creating awareness about having a secured and stable future. What we do today, is reflected in what we will be turning out to be in tomorrow. So it is very much crucial to work at present effectively so that the future that will unfold should have loads of opportunities for every one of us. And here begins our caravan…


WALKATHON.. this has always been a very special event for me.... congrats to all of you for showing the zeal and entrepreneurial spirit within yourself. You all have shown the metal you have inside you... cheerz to all ...

BCET'ians are known for their hard work and fighting spirit... and i am glad that you guyz have kept it up.

We Can...We Will..We Have... and as you all know We Will Again...

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